Affiliate Disclaimer

At iHeartPH, we believe in providing our readers with valuable information and recommendations to enhance their travel experiences. To maintain the high quality of our content and to support the operation of our website, we participate in affiliate marketing programs. This means that we may receive a commission when you click on certain links on our site and make a purchase or booking.

Our Affiliations

iHeartPH is a proud affiliate partner of the following companies:


These affiliations allow us to offer our readers great deals and discounts on travel services, such as accommodations and transportation.

Other Affiliate Programs

In addition to the programs mentioned above, iHeartPH may also engage in partnerships with other affiliate programs from time to time. These programs allow us to earn commissions by featuring links, banners, and advertisements for other companies’ products and services.

How Affiliate Links Work

When you click on an affiliate link on our website, a cookie is placed on your browser to track the referral. If you make a purchase or booking through that link, we may earn a commission from the respective affiliate partner. This commission comes at no extra cost to you, and in some cases, you may even receive a discount or special offer by using our affiliate links.

Our Commitment to Transparency

We want to assure our readers that our affiliate partnerships do not influence the content, topics, or posts we create on iHeartPH. We always strive to provide honest and unbiased information, and our recommendations are based on our genuine experiences and opinions. If we recommend a product or service, it’s because we believe in its value and quality, not because of the potential commission we may earn.

Your Support Matters

By using our affiliate links, you not only get access to great deals and discounts but also help support the operation and growth of iHeartPH. This allows us to continue creating high-quality content and providing valuable resources for travelers visiting the Philippines.

If you have any questions or concerns about our affiliate disclaimer or partnerships, please don’t hesitate to contact us.